By Dave Harding, ProgressOhio
Jun 10, 2010 4:22:04 PM ET
Workers took to the streets of downtown Columbus to reject enforcement-only policies and Arizona’s racial profiling copycat laws in Ohio. Instead, these activists – coalition partners of Reform Immigration for America -- are pushing for comprehensive immigration reform that would protect all workers and boost our economy.
According to the Immigration Policy Center, comprehensive reform would yield huge gains for the American economy – up to $1.5 trillion over 10 years.
After the rally at the Statehouse, the group headed to the office of retiring Republican Senator George Voinovich to ask him to take leadership on immigration reform and help his party find real solutions instead of pushing costly and ineffective policies that do nothing to actually fix our broken immigration system.
Last year, the U.S. spent $18.1 billion on immigration enforcement, as reflected in the U.S. Homeland Security budget report. “In this deeply troubled economy, we need to do everything we can to jump start a recovery,” said SEIU District 1199 President Becky Williams. “Immigration reform is the only way to stop the current immigration crisis and boosts our economy at the same time.”
Studies have shown that if all unauthorized immigrants were removed from Ohio, the state would lose $4.0 billion in expenditures, $1.8 billion in economic output, and approximately 25,019 jobs, even accounting for adequate market adjustment time, according to a report by the Perryman Group. “We need Senator Voinovich to actively push for immigration reform for the benefit of working people. The time is now, let’s strengthen our economy!” said Williams. “Senator Voinovich can show the leadership and courage that Ohio’s workers need by pushing for comprehensive immigration reform.
We must not stand-by as states pass piece-meal legislation or enact Arizona racial-profiling copycat laws,” said United Food & Commercial Workers Local 1059 President Becky Berroyer. “This broken immigration system divides families, harms workers whether documented or undocumented, and delays an economic recovery for workers. Reform, not raids, will strengthen Ohio’s workplaces and boost our economy.”
One step that Senator Voinovich can take right now is to co-sponsor the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act. The DREAM Act would provide an incentive for immigrant youth to stay in school. By reducing dropout rates, our economy stands to benefit greatly.
According to one RAND study, the increased contribution to the economy from an immigrant who graduates from college is nearly $9,000 more than one who drops out of high school. The DREAM Act would also result in higher incomes and contribute greatly to increased consumer spending and investment.
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