TODAY!! - June 21, 2010, Councilwoman and CIR supporter Charleta Tavares will be introducing a non-binding resolution at the Columbus City Council Meeting supporting Comprehensive Immigration Reform on a national level. Reform Immigration for America and other individuals have been working with her office on this resolution.
It is important that as many CIR activists and supporters attended the Council Meeting. The meeting begins at 5:00 PM. Reform Immigration for America will be holding a Press Conference after the Resolution is voted upon. We do have the support we need for it to pass!
Columbus will be the second city in Ohio to pass such as resolution. Cleveland passed a similar resolution last month. Toledo has a resolution pending.
It is important to spread the word and work on turn-out for at City Council Chambers.
1.The Columbus City Council Meeting begins at 5pm.
2.The meeting is located at City Hall - 90 West Broad street, Columbus, OH 43215. (However the entrance into the building is from Front Street).
3.Once you enter the building you will sign in at the security guards station (Please note that you will need to have identification when signing in).
Please spread the word. For more information contact:
Ruben Castilla Herrera
Ohio State Director
Reform Immigration for America
Columbus is about to jump back into the immigration debate.
SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 2010 02:50 AM
A month after Mayor Michael B. Coleman touched off a nationwide backlash by banning city-worker travel to Arizona, City Council members are poised to endorse immigration reforms that would both tighten U.S. borders and grant legal status to undocumented workers now in the country.
Councilwoman Charleta B. Tavares will sponsor a resolution on Monday that calls on Congress to "solve our broken immigration system" and urges federal and state lawmakers to help cities pay for the services they provide for immigrants.
"It's a message to Congress: You are responsible, and all 50 states need uniform immigration policies," Tavares said. "It should be done in a comprehensive way, not a piecemeal way."
Four other council members - Hearcel F. Craig, Andrew J. Ginther, A. Troy Miller and Priscilla R. Tyson - are co-sponsoring the resolution, ensuring its passage.
President Michael C. Mentel cannot attend Monday's council meeting, spokesman John Ivanic said. Councilwoman Eileen Paley isn't listed as a sponsor, either, and wasn't available for comment.
Tavares' resolution echoes Coleman's call last month for "comprehensive immigration reform," but it goes far beyond his support for rules that would let immigrants become U.S. citizens.
Among its suggestions:
• Reforms should address border security, as well as enforcement inside the country and within U.S. workplaces.
• Provisions should let undocumented immigrants with clean criminal records earn legal status by paying fees and back taxes, having steady work and meeting English-language requirements.
• Changes should keep families together, protect immigrants' human and civil rights, and "uphold our values as Americans."
Many of the resolution's stands have been proposed by the National League of Cities.
Coleman's Arizona travel ban came in response to that state's new law, which allows police to demand documentation if they suspect people who they've stopped for other reasons are in the country illegally.
Hope to see all the Columbus area CIR organizers and activists at City Hall tonight!