Monday, June 21, 2010

City of Columbus Resolution on Comprehensive Immigration Reform to be Introduced TONIGHT - Monday, June 21, 2010

Below is the copy of the Resolution to be presented tonight to City Council. Speaking on behalf of the community on the resolution:

Jeffrey Cohen - Dept. of Anthropology - Ohio State University -
Virginia Lohmann Bauman - Church World Service
Gus Shihab - Immigration Attorney

Hope to see a crowd of supporters tonight!
Ruben Castilla Herrera

City of Columbus

File Name
To support comprehensive immigration reform and urge action from Congress and the Ohio General Assembly to support the needs of Columbus as well as other cities and towns as we integrate immigrants into Ohio and American community.

To support comprehensive immigration reform and urge action from Congress and the Ohio General Assembly to support the needs of Columbus as well as other cities and towns as we integrate immigrants into Ohio and American communities.

WHEREAS, immigration is a federal responsibility and a comprehensive approach to solve our broken immigration system is necessary to meet the goals of ensuring a thriving and secure community and economy in Columbus and throughout the State of Ohio and the nation; and

WHEREAS, protecting the human and civil rights of immigrants and citizens is paramount to the success of Columbus, the State of Ohio and all communities in America as we move forward in the 21st Century; and

WHEREAS, the inability of government at all levels to reach consensus on a solution to immigration has created financial, cultural and political strains in communities across America; and

WHEREAS, immigration reform must occur in a comprehensive, thoughtful manner that focuses on improving homeland security, helping integrate immigrants into the community and alleviating the costs of providing services such as public safety, language services, housing, health, education, and social services; and

WHEREAS, the establishment of a process whereby undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. may earn legalized status through payment of appropriate fees, back taxes, background checks, absence of criminal or gang activity, consistent work history, and the ability to meet, English and civics requirements will provide a means for communities to provide greater stability for our newest residents; and

WHEREAS, Congress should increase funding for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program to provide communities with the necessary resources they need to detain criminals; and

WHEREAS, this Council supports a Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill that keeps families together, upholds our values as Americans, promotes economic growth, and provides a long-term solution to the immigration system; now, therefore

That this Council requests that Congress enact comprehensive immigration reform that addresses: (1) border security and interior enforcement; (2) workplace enforcement; (3) guest workers; (4) legalization of undocumented workers currently in the U.S.; (5) a path to citizenship for immigrants now in the country; and (6) resources to local and state jurisdictions to alleviate the local impacts of delivering services to new immigrants.

That this Council requests that Congress provide adequate federal funding to help communities integrate new residents into their communities.

That this Council urges the Congress of the United States and the Ohio General Assembly to adopt Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation that includes the framework outlined in Section 1 of this resolution and further urges their opposition to legislation that undermines the principles of said Section.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shall be delivered to the U.S. Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, members of the Ohio General Assembly, Governor of the state, Ohio Speaker of the House, and President of the Senate.

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