Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cleveland City Council Opposes AZ SB 2070 and Supports Immigration Reform

On May 17, 2010, Cleveland City Council passed Emergency Resolution 675, a resolution opposing Arizona's SB1070, supporting CIR, and affirming the contributions of all immigrants. Latino community members who were present have reported that the testimony advanced was overwhelmingly positive and empowering.

The resolution will likely not be available on the City's website until next week.


  1. If you want to correct misunderstandings you should start by accurately identifying the people you are referring to.

    Illegal alien foreign nationals are NOT immigrants, and should be humanely returned to their home country. Immigrants most certainly have contributed, and will continue to contribute greatly to our American culture and country, but please stop trying to confuse the issue. Arizona's law is NOT about immigrants. It is about stopping the largest invasion in world history. Get your story straight.

    ALL members of the Cleveland City Council that signed this resolution should be investigated for violating the 14th Amendment, Section 3, and also for misprision of treason.

    It is shameful that they have decided to side with illegal aliens over the legal citizenry and legal immigrants who reside in Cleveland.

    Jeff Lewis
    National Director
    FIRE Coalition

  2. What benefit of me being American is it to open my borders to Mexico? Don't give me this crap about enriching my culture. Empower my Ass. These kind of things take my job!!!! You idiot coucilmen should quit and try to get a real job!!!

  3. The Arizona law against Spanish immigrant is simply another kind of racism not that far from Nazism of Hilter against Jewish. it is a shame for this country. Those who are supporting this this kind of law have short memories. they have already forgot what Blacks "immigrant" have done for this country. The don't have any idea of what Spanish immigrant are doing for this country. this will end one day. Apartheid has lasted for more than three centuries but it has been ended in South Africa. 2025 is not that far.Tends and roles will change one day in this country. Shame to us.

  4. Apelete, no other country on the face of this planet allows people from another country to simply walk across their border and stay. If I, as an American citizen, go to another country, I BETTER have my passport with me at all times. This includes the very country most of these people are coming from. We must realize that there are people in this world who wish to do us grave harm. We must secure our borders for our own safety. I'm not going to question what the folks in Arizona feel they must do to protect themselves. Unless you live there, you shouldn't either.

  5. Illegal refers to something that is against the law.
    So why is Cleveland supporting Illegal activities?
    Clevelanders should have this investigated by the most competent lawyers!
