Ohio has lived through a time when the criminal law was used to turn us against one another.
Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones wants us to go back to those dark days.
Under the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, any citizen who gave a ride in Ohio to a black person escaping from slavery could be fined $1,000 and jailed for up to six months.
Fast-forward 160 years. Under Arizona SB 1070 as amended on April 29, any citizen who gives a ride in Arizona to an undocumented Latino person can be fined $1,000.
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The question is who is not an immigrant in this country? if it is not yourself it is probably your parents or your grandparents or great-grandparents. So what? The real autochthon of this continent have been exterminated by your grandparents. The fact is they were illegal immigrant at that period. so what?