Wadsworth – The City Council considered a resolution, Res. No. 10-10, “to support the State of Arizona in regard to Arizona Senate Bill 1070” but they did not yet vote on the resolution. It was submitted for a third reading. Public commentary lasted about two and half hours and most of the presence there was from the Wadsorth 9.12 group as well as the Grassroots Rally Team. Many local community members were also opposed to the resolution, with comments ranging from “this is despicable,” to “I agree with the Arizona bill but this is not the place for City Council” to warnings from residents that they will leave if the City passes such a divisive resolution (one resident making such a comment was a ‘legal immigrant.’) The resolution presumably will be voted upon at the next meeting on Tuesday, August 17th.
Toledo – The Toledo Resolution “calls upon the President of the United States, the United States Congress and encourages the Ohio General Assembly and the Governor to enact and support comprehensive immigration reform that will for the State of Ohio address the issues of undocumented immigration at its’ roots and will keep families together and uphold our values as Americans and promote sound and sustainable economic growth.” The resolution passed, with the council voting 10-2 Tuesday night, with councilmen Tom Waniewski and Rob Ludeman dissenting. Click here for the full article.
Great work to all in both locations! It is critical that we have a presence in this kind of council meeting. It appears that we will be seeing more pro AZ 1070 resolutions being presented in smaller Ohio towns. It is obvious that the pro CIR movement in Ohio is more organized and mobilized. YOU HAVEN'T HEARD OUR THUNDER YET!!