Monday, November 2, 2015

My Personal Voter Guide for #ColumbusOHIO

So the election is tomorrow, November 3, 2015 in Columbus, Ohio. This election has caught my attention and interest for many reasons. First and foremost as an organizer/activist for justice, I feel as though too many have been left out of the well known Columbus growth and development. I ride my bike or the COTA bus and I see it. I speak to people and I hear it. I regularly receive calls from those in poverty or on the brink of poverty usually in low wage jobs. I have homeless friends. I hear it in private and personal conversations with people caught outside of the system and even those caught inside the system.

Recently, at an action we organized at a Andrew Ginther For Mayor big money fundraiser. A Democratic Party political operative who I have known for a while came out to say hello to me. Anytime someone says hello, it is in part a radical act but his words were telling of those caught up in the system. In part he said something like this:

"I don't understand or agree with where you're coming from or your tactics and message but I will say that you will not win, you will never win."

I've thought about his comment a lot. In the context of the entrenchment of the political party system in our society, he may very well be correct. In fact, this is why I left that rat race. Corporate money interest within the Democrats and Republicans is not a place that liberation for the poor will win. So my friend is correct, it is not a game that I will win. But what he clearly does not realize is; We are not playing that game. We are fighting against it.

Winning is pushing, disturbing, interrupting and forcing the uncomfortable questions. Winning is changing the narrative to focus on all people, not just those with money therefore influence and power. Winning is protesting with a plan. Winning is being with the people that are struggling to exist and survive. The win is in the fight.

I will vote tomorrow and for me I am voting as a way to further disturb the system. I am voting because I have a voice. I will not take a Democratic party sample ballot with because the Franklin County Democratic Party is the power that many of us are fighting against.

I promised many my personal recommendation on the elections in Columbus. If you have any questions, just let me know. Here they are:

For School Board: (Vote for 4 only)

- Bernadine Kennedy Kent

- Tina Pierce

- Mary Jo Hudson

- Shawna Gibbs

For City Columbus City Council: (Vote for 4 only)

- John Rush

- Bessah Sharrrah

- Ibrahima Sow

- Jaiza Page

Write In

- Joe Motil

For Mayor

- Zach Scott


  1. Ruben, I fully understand the point you are making, but I am surprised you would promote Zach Scott.
    I think Bernadine Kent is an excellent recommendation! I voted for her and a couple of others on your list.

    1. Thanks for your comment. As far as my endorsement of Zach Scott a couple of things. While I may not agree with everything he puts forth, he has the integrity to disagree upfront and honestly. Ginther runs away, hides and is bought by corporate powers.

  2. Glad we have lots in common..señor Castilla Herrera!

  3. The biggest reason Issue 3 will fail is because it doesn't actually legalize weed and people are smarter than these crooks think. The Marijuana Policy of Ohio Taskforce intentionally plans the cartel to have a residual black market of 16% (p. 177) with an optimal price to the consumer of $9.93 per gram (p. 171)

    Using government supported Think Tank Rand Corp's 2010 report (p. 10, 16) , cartel weed is estimated to cost between 1,000% and 180,000% the amount it will cost to create the pot.

    Additionally using RO's MPOTF's own numbers, more than 3,000 continuing drug dealers across the State of Ohio will be incentivized by $50,000 per year to continue the blackmarket for weed which gives actual minors and RO minors (18-20 year olds old enough to go die in Afghanistan but not toke to Ian James) selling weed at $1 less per gram than cartel weed. Under RO's plan there will be around 88 black market drug dealers per county or 1 per 360 actual minors.

    RO is designed to continue Ohio as a prison state and continue to put pot in the hands of our kids.

    Vote Yes on Issue 2; No on Issue 3!!!
